Community Grants & Funded Projects


Community Grants are available for the Big Flat region.

As part of the BFCGB’s mission statement, the organization looks for ways to support its school and local community.

If you have a project you’d like to see funded, please contact any board member to appear at the next meeting, or complete the Community Grant application here. We’re here to serve!

Funded Projects

  • 3/24/22 FFA fundraiser $2,000
  • 3/24/22 Vertimax $4,257.76
  • 2/14/22 Student Council $1,322
  • 2/11/22 District Tournament $512
  • 12/14/21 Huddle reimbursement $2,700
  • 1/20/21 Rebounding Machine $4,000
  • 2/24/20 Divisional Tournament Tickets $120
  • 2/21/20 Pop sales $1,478
  • 2/13/20 Tournament Tickets $384
  • 4/1/19 New Basketball Jerseys $4,433.75
  • 12/1/18 Big Flat Grocery $1,200
  • 7/23/17 Big Flat Grocery Stucco $2,000
  • 3/24/16 HOBY Candidate $350
  • 3/24/16 Blaine County Ambulance design plans $500
  • 11/4/15 April Fox: Artist in Residency $345
  • 5/23/15 Ella Billmayer HOBY scholarship $300

Funded Projects

We’ve been a little busy lately…

Recently, the BFCGB, Inc. has been doing more giving back than ever before in our short history. We’re pretty excited about that!

Artist in Residency 2015

Turner Schools Art Teacher, Mrs. April Fox was excited to bring in an exciting program for all of students, grades kindergarten through senior. The Big Flat Community Grain Bin was happy to provide a grant in the amount of $345 to help make this happen. The reaction of the students seems to show that the program was very well received!

Blaine County EMS Training Facility Grant

Donnie and Bonnie Harmon came to the Grain Bin board in November requesting feedback regarding a project they hope to begin for an improved and expanded training facility for their volunteer ambulance crew. The BFCGB directors offered their input and suggestions for ways that the two organizations might work together, and in March of 2016 moved to award the group $500 toward getting plans engineered to begin the process.

HOBY Candidate Sponsorship Grant

Turner Schools notified us that they’d like to send candidates once again to the Hugh Obrien Youth Leadership conference (HOBY), and hoped to be able to send more students than in the past. The board of directors unanimously voted to cover the costs of sending one student which amounts to $350. We’ve heard from Turner School administration that Stacie Cornell is the worthy recipient of that sponsorship!

Academic Scholarships

In addition, the BFCGB has awarded several scholarships since its inception of the program. 

Click here to see the list of recipients to date!